Monthly Archives: July 2013


Does it matter how we raise children?

The Bible has plenty to say on parenting. But I think the most important thing comes in today’s Bible passage: bring children up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

Often we get so caught up in trying to give our children the best in education, sports, comfort, holidays, beauty or self-esteem, that we neglect our number one duty.

Bringing children up in the Lord is raising them to be disciples of Jesus. And the best way to do that is to be one yourself. That means being in a growing relationship with Jesus through Bible reading, prayer, actively serving his body the Church, and supporting others to become disciples.

And this is a role that we can all play for children. Whether we be single, parents of young ones, empty nesters, or grandmothers we can all play a part in raising disciples of Jesus.

And as we sadly witness a break-down in families in our society, the church family will have an even greater role to play in the discipling of children.

Let’s encourage each other to be disciples who can help children in our district become disciples of Jesus.

On the topic of parenting. Here are some articles I’ve found helpful:

And stacks of good articles here:

In Christ, Tory Cayzer.